
Founded in 2001 by Susan Jakubowicz and other cofounders, CHD is a psychoanalytic institute with a learning environment designed for students. We combine theoretical with experiential learning. Our high academic standards satisfy New York State requirements. Our program is based on the groundbreaking work of Hyman Spotnitz, MD, the founder of Modern Psychoanalysis, who developed theories and techniques for working with severely regressed individuals, as well as emotional communication. CHD prepares its students to become licensed psychoanalysts. We offer continuing education for licensed social workers, and other mental health professionals. We’re dedicated to developing well-trained and compassionate professionals. We also welcome those interested in personal growth and development.

What is Modern Psychoanalysis?

Modern Psychoanalysis emerged from the clinical research of Hyman Spotnitz, as a logical extension of Sigmund Freud’s approach. Freud contended that successful psychoanalytic treatment required a transference relationship developing between patient and therapist. Freud also believed that those who suffer from severe narcissistic disorders, such as schizophrenics, could not be helped by analysis because they were unable to develop a transference relationship or respond to interpretation. However, Spotnitz developed different techniques for treating even severely ill schizophrenic patients. These interventions helped patients develop a narcissistic transference that would lead to the formation of an object transference. Those special techniques became the basis of Modern Psychoanalysis.

Modern Psychoanalysts employ nonthreatening, ego-strengthening techniques that facilitate the narcissistic patient’s capacity to verbalize her/his thoughts and feelings. We maintain appropriate levels of stimulation (or frustration), respond to the patient’s contact function (when the patient asks the analyst a question) as a guide to intervene. Spotnitz developed numerous interventions, including object-oriented questions, joining and mirroring.

Another cornerstone of Modern Psychoanalysis is working with induced feelings (transference) from the patient. The psychoanalyst’s feelings (countertransference) toward the patient involves detecting subtle changes in a patient by analyzing their own reactions and feelings.

Modern Psychoanalysts also use emotional communications to strengthen patients’ egos and to avoid narcissistic injury. We allow patients to attribute strong, “dangerous” thoughts to the analyst, so those thoughts can be verbalized and explored. This helps patients mature from a narcissistic to a more objective state, even in cases involving dysfunction stemming from preverbal stages, or the most seriously afflicted, primitive psyches.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Full semester 12-week courses cost $350. The cost of our mini-courses and workshops varies according to length.

Yes! The Center for Human Development is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers, #0023. We offer three ways for you to satisfy your continuing education needs:

  • Semester Courses
  • June Workshops
  • Open House Events

Social workers, psychologists, counselors, and educators, who are interested in continuing education credits, can contact the administrative office via phone (212-642-6303) or email (

All courses may be used to maintain the CASAC credential.

Students can complete the program within four years. Each course (with the exception of C105) meets for 12 one hour-and-a half sessions. Upon completion of program requirements—32 courses; training analysis hours; supervisory hours; and the Final Paper and Presentation—students will receive a Certificate in Psychoanalysis and will be able to sit for the NYS licensing exam in Psychoanalysis to get their LP credential (licensed psychoanalyst).

At licensure-qualifying training institutes such as CHD, New York State enforces the following student admission criterion: “To be admitted to the [institute] program, the program shall require the student to have completed a master’s or higher degree program in any field registered by the NYS Education Department. This [conforms to] Part 52 of the Regulations, Section 52.35(b).” Students applying to the CHD Psychoanalytic Program, therefore, must have completed both baccalaureate and master’s degrees from accredited colleges and universities in order to be admitted to CHD.

Yes, you do not have to apply to take a class at CHD. If you are going to continue, you’ll need to fill out an application. This application will help us keep track of the classes you take.

CHD offers anyone the opportunity to learn and our students come from diverse educational and cultural backgrounds. Whether you are a mental health or business professional, CHD offers many options:

  • NYS Licensed Psychoanalyst-qualifying program
  • Continuing Education for licensed Social Workers
  • Maintain CASAC credential
  • Expand professional skills
  • Personal growth and development

The Center for Human Development admits all students without regard for age, ethnic background, nationality, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.

Freudian psychoanalysts focus on the oedipal stage of development, and have primarily one intervention — interpretation. Modern psychoanalysts work at the preoedipal stage of development (birth to about 2 years) and seldom use interpretation. Modern psychoanalysts employ techniques developed by Hyman Spotnitz, MD., that help address difficulties in early life. Freudian and Modern psychoanalysis are similar in that both work with transference and resistance and both share the ultimate goal of resolving the patient’s transference resistance.